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Filming in Cerritos

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Permit Process | Informational Documents | Application Checklist | Frequently Asked Questions

Permit Process

The City of Cerritos actively promotes a positive atmosphere for production companies wishing to film within the City limits. A film permit is required for any filming done within the City of Cerritos, including still photography for business and commercial activities. We have a simplified permit procedure designed to coordinate all your production needs. To inquire about potential filming in the City of Cerritos, please complete the Film Permit Inquiry form or call the Department of Community Development at (562) 916-1201 for further instructions.

Informational Documents

Please review the following forms to submit a complete Film & Photography Permit application:

Film & Photography Instructions & Checklist

Film & Photography General Guidelines

Film & Photography Terms & Conditions

Sample Certificate of General Liability Insurance

Application Checklist

Please use the listing below to assemble the materials required for your Film Permit.

All documents are required for a complete application:

  • Film & Photography Permit Application
  • Full written description/cover letter of filming activity and storyline
  • Site Plan showing the location and layout of production, including the location of all vehicle parking, equipment staging, and filming activities, etc.
  • Traffic Control/Parking Plan, if filming outdoors
  • Property Owner Authorization and/or executed Location Agreement
  • Certificate of General Liability Insurance and an endorsement of a minimum coverage of $1 million (or a total of $5 million for production at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts and the Cerritos Olympic Swim & Fitness Center)
    • The City of Cerritos must be listed as the certificate holder and the Description of Operations must include the required City language (see pages 7-8 for samples)
  • Approved Los Angeles County Fire Department Film Permit:
  • Payment of permit fees:
    • Application fee: $250 per day of filming
    • If filming in multiple locations, a $200 fee is charged for each additional location
    • Additional facility rental fees, filming use fees, and staff fees are assessed to the filming/photography at City facilities and/or City-owned properties; fees are based on proposed use, project duration, and required staff resources, and will be provided to the applicant separately

Frequently Asked Questions

Any filming that occurs within the City of Cerritos, including still photography for the purpose of commercial or business uses, requires a film permit.

Permit fees may be waived for the following groups however health and safety regulations still apply:

  • News media
  • Family or personal use video
  • Educational institutions
  • Charitable organizations that qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code
  • Religious groups
  • Parties owning businesses in the City

Contact the Department of Community Development at (562) 916-1201 or complete the Film Permit Inquiry form.

City staff will review and coordinate your proposed filming with required City Departments so that we may provide clarification and guidance on the process of submitting a complete application. City staff will discuss the particulars of your production and let you know what special conditions will apply, whether or not a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy is required, and any other information needed to secure a permit.

Once all materials for the permit application have been received, the turnaround time generally takes fourteen (14) business days. It is recommended that applicants submit completed applications at least fourteen (14) business days before the first day of filming to ensure timely issuance of film permits. Additional time may be required depending on the complexity of the production. Factors that could increase the review time include use and reservation of City facilities, complicated filming, gunfire, special effects, posting of No Parking signs, Intermittent Traffic Control (ITC), use of City and/or Park facilities, and road closures. If you have a very simple shoot, it could take less time.

A film permit application fee is $250 per day of filming.

Additional fees may be assessed for facility reservations and are quoted on a case-by-case basis depending on the facility/site used for filming and/or the need for any deputies. Please contact the Department of Community Development at (562) 916-1201 or complete the Film Permit Inquiry form so that City staff may provide an estimate of any additional fees.

You can include multiple locations on your permit application. A fee of $200 is charged for each location.

If you need to park production equipment or vehicles in zones that won't permit it, temporary “No Parking” signs must be posted. You may not put up “No Parking” signs for cast/crew parking. Production is responsible for posting signs 48 hours prior to it being effective. If the signs aren't up 48 hours before, the signs are NOT enforceable. City staff will inspect to ensure everything is posted properly. Materials for posting are not available from the City. They can be purchased at a traffic control company or you may hire a service to do it for you. Some permit processing companies will provide the service.

ITC is allowed on roadways upon request in the permit application. It is limited to two (2) minutes at a time. Production companies are required to use Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies for any filming requiring ITC. The Production Company is responsible for requesting and paying the required deputies. Contact the Department of Community Development at (562) 916-1201 for more information.

Various streets and roads may be closed to through traffic for filming. A detailed traffic plan must be submitted prior to the permit being approved. Consideration is given to the activity, type of road, volume of traffic, day and time of request, and other factors to determine the feasibility of the closure. Advance warning signs and all other traffic control devices for approved closures must conform to the California State Department of Transportation W.A.T.C.H. manual. Production companies are required to use Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies for traffic control.

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